Charlie Glickman Pod Communications Table of Contents
To help ensure that our Medium (and other) updates are easy to navigate, we’ve created this Table of Contents with links, dates posted, and a short description of contents.
Charlie Glickman Public Statement (published June 21, 2019)- statements from both Charlie and from the pod members about the accountability process, what’s been done so far, and what the next public & private steps will be. (CW: mentions of harm)
Report Collection Form (published June 21, 2019) — The Google drive form to collect reports of Charlie’s harm, with a focus on ensuring confidentiality as defined by each respondent.
Accountability Pod Members & Consultants (published June 21, 2019)- Details of who the pod members and consultants are, and why they were asked to participate in Charlie’s accountability process.
The Work Charlie’s Been Doing (published June 21, 2019) — A listing of work that Charlie has been undertaking for the past few years, leading up to and including his accountability process.
Charlie Glickman’s Professional Consent Policy (published June 21, 2019) — the text of Charlie’s consent policy that he will be using for his professional connections.
Relieving Anxiety & Acute Trauma Response (published June 21, 2019) — this is a resource list created by Rachel Drake to support people who are dealing with anxiety & triggers; this includes both in-the-moment tools as well as reading & other resources.
Accountability Pod FAQ (Published July 11, 2019) — A list of questions that the pod (and Charlie) have been asked, as well as some clarifying information on the process & it’s goals.
Thinking about Transformative Justice (Published July 19, 2019) — The pod shares some core questions that Charlie is working to answer about his instances of harm, as well as thoughts about how the pod is doing this work using a TJ framework
Addressing Nuanced Problematic Communication (Published July 26, 2019)- Pod members, with guidance & input from the consultants, discuss some of Charlie’s known problematic communication issues that they are tracking, both in previous communications (including his harm to others) and as he moves through the accountability process.
December 2019 Update (Published December 1, 2019) — This update on the pod’s work since August 2019 gives insight to the frequency of our meetings & timing of our work, and offers insight on the process of report collection & process, challenges that have arisen in communications, an update on Charlie’s work, and our next steps.
May 2020 Update, Part 1 (Published May 4, 2020) - This update on the pod’s work since December 2019 provides metrics on the work that the pod has been doing, an update on the reporting process, and the health of the pod. Part 2, which will be posted separately, will be about the work Charlie has been doing, how we are holding him accountable, and the next steps in the process
May 2020 Update, Part 2 (Published August 13, 2020) — This continues the previous update (including a note on the delay in publication), and discusses the work that Charlie has been doing, both with the pod and outside of the pod process, as well as his work to better understand and address the ways that his harm has affected others.
Questions to Evaluate Accountability Process and Impact (published August 13, 2020) — This document shares the questions that the pod members, consultants, and Charlie are using to evaluate the progress of our accountability work and to delve deeper into the overall impact of the process.
Reflection Questions Around Charlie’s Support System and Ongoing Attending to New Harms (Published September 30, 2020)— This document shares questions that the pod members’s questions of Charlie to consider who he might reach out to for accountability support in the future, and what to be mindful of in creating that support & accountability system.
Collusion and Complicity Questions (Published September 30, 2020) — This document shares the questions that the pod and Charlie discuss to track collusion and harm.
August / September 2020 Update (Published September 30, 2020) — This update contains work that Charlie and the pod have done from late May 2020 through the end of September 2020.
March 2021 — Brief Update on Pod Work — This update briefly summarizes the work that Charlie and the Accountability Pod has been taking on since our last update in September 2020.
Naming My Harms — This update, written by Charlie, details specific ways that he caused harm to individuals and communities, including harms that are recent and have occurred during his accountability pod work.
An update and a note from the Pod members — this update, written by the pod members & relevant consultants, affirms our goals as a pod, addresses some of the concerns about our outward reporting, and sets expectations for future writings.
Survivor Request to Share an Open Letter — This update shares a link to an open letter written by a survivor of harm, and is intended to help connect with other survivors / harmed parties.
Narrative Collection — Summary of Harms — This update is a report of the Narrative Collection process, and includes the ways that we solicited and received reports of Charlie’s harmful actions, as well as specific and thematic reports of the harms, and requests for change / reparation that the pod & Charlie have received.
October 2021 Update — this update acknowledges the lack of public updates and briefly communicates the pod’s goals for updates in the near term.
A Note To Readers (Published November 18, 2022) — This brief note explains the manner in which we will post of a series of process wrap-up documents.
How We Have Fulfilled Requests of People Who Have Reported Harm (Published November 18, 2022) — This series of 11 posts details the work we’ve done to advocate for the accountability requests harmed individuals have made of Charlie.
Charlie’s Patterns (Published November 18, 2022) — This series of two posts explores the harmful or concerning patterns of behavior we have observed, what we’ve done with Charlie to address them, and our interpersonal accountability recommendations to Charlie’s communities.
Community FAQ — Updated October 2022 (Published November 18, 2022) — This addresses a number of questions and points of concern we have received about our process over the past year.
Charlie’s Work Around His Understanding of Teaching, Speaking, and Leadership (Published November 19, 2022) — This post details our efforts to have Charlie investigate his beliefs, underlying power dynamics, and his patterns of behavior related to being an educator.
Accountability Pod Wrap Up Post (Published February 18, 2023) — This post offers a final overview of the pod’s process and actions, how we navigated our work with Charlie, and how we are wrapping up our work to ensure that information about this process is maintained in an archive format. We also note the actions that Charlie will be taking in the future to continue to unlearn the patterns that we’ve previously discussed and set himself up for ethical accountability for any harms that may occur in the future.
The following posts by Charlie about his accountability process are hosted on his personal Medium account. We’re linking to them here to maintain continuity, while keeping this account focused on the pod’s writings.
Please feel free to share any and all of these links, either individually or by sharing this page.